Resource Center
Navigate the field of impact investing with our up-to-date database
Updated weekly, this collection offers both a broad overview and micro-specific information. Please use the available filters to refine your search to locate the information you need.
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Fostering Impact: An Investor Guide for Engaging Communities in Place-Based Impact Investing
September 27, 2023
Catalyst Seeks to Demonstrate Positive Impact With Initial Opportunity Zone Investments
February 4, 2020
The Rockefeller Foundation and Smart Growth America Launch National Opportunity Zones Academy
September 17, 2019
How and Why to Measure the Impact of Investments in Opportunity Zones (ImpactAlpha, 6/26/19)
June 26, 2019
Mapping and Assessing Local Capacities and Opportunities for Place-Based Impact Investing (Urban Institute and MIE)
May 30, 2019
Place-Based Impact Investing Ecosystems: Building a Collaboration to Boost Your Effectiveness (Urban Institute and MIE)
May 30, 2019
Collaborative Place-Based Impact Investing Models: Deploying Capital on the Ground Together (Urban Institute and MIE)
May 30, 2019
The Rockefeller Foundation Launches $5.5 Million Opportunity Zone Initiative (Rockefeller Foundation, 5/21/19)
May 21, 2019